Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg
Visitor balance 2022: The Mozart museums are pleased about 350,000 Mozart fans from all over the world
2022 was something of a rollercoaster ride for the Mozart Museums in Salzburg, but the second half of the year saw a steady uphill climb: A total of 350,000 visitors Mozart's Birthplace and Mozart's Residence are a reason to rejoice after the two difficult pandemic years!
August turned out to be the month with the most visitors, with 64,000 guests. The third weekend of Advent was the most intensive weekend in 2022 with 7,200 visitors.
The majority of museum visitors come from Germany, followed by Italy, the USA, Korea, Japan and Austria. An otherwise strong group of visitors is also slowly returning: after the relaxation of the Corona travel restrictions in December, guests from China can once again be found in the museums.
Outlook 2023
Although the Mozart museums rank among the most visited institutions in Europe dedicated to a cultural-historical personality, there is some catching up to do: "The appearance of the
visitor areas must become a contemporary one. In 2023 we will be redesigning Mozart's birthplace somewhat; here we are currently working on an immersive experience area that will make it possible to experience Mozart's oeuvre in a completely new way. This is a project that we will be able to realize thanks to the 'Museum.Digital' funding from the Province of Salzburg. In any case, I can promise that there will be many new things to discover. We also have a special highlight to offer in the exhibitions, but I don't want to reveal too much about that yet, only that it's about Mozart's Wunderkind years," says museum director Linus Klumpner.
Photos copyright: TSG Tourism Salzburg GmbH