EMW Young Ambassadors


Cathedral Boys and Girls Choir

Salzburg, Austria. The Domis (8 - 14 years), as they are also called, meet twice a week to sing together. Information


Youth Choir at Salzburg Cathedral

Salzburg, Austria. The choir life of the Jugendkantorei is a direct continuation of the time after the children's choir. Many former members of the Domis continue to sing here. Information


Coro Amadeo

Salzburg, Austria. Choir that is newly composed every year across schools and consists of choirs at the Privatgymnasium Borromäum and the BAKIP Salzburg.



Waterloo, Belgium. The Pastoureaux Choir was founded in 1974 and consists of sixty boys aged seven to fourteen, whose voices range from soprano to alto. Information



Reims, France. Information


BELLA MUSICA - Orchestra Giovanile Euoropea

Salzburg, Austria. The orchestra is a project of the Pre-College Salzburg of the Mozarteum University. Young students from Austria, Italy and Germany meet to rehearse chamber music and orchestral works together and present them on concert tours in Austria and abroad. Information


Mozart Children's Orchestra Mozarteum Foundation (Dec 2019 - Jun 2023)

Salzburg, Österreich. The Mozart Children's Orchestra of the Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg: these are around 60 young musicians between the ages of seven and thirteen who delight their audiences with playful charm, liveliness and the fun of making music. Information


Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine

The Youth Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine is a unique project that brings together and promotes young talented musicians aged 12 to 22 from all parts of Ukraine.


Our Partners


Council of Europe

The Cultural Routes Programme was launched by the Council of Europe in 1987. Its objective was and is to demonstrate, by means of a journey through space and time, how the heritage of the different countries and cultures of Europe contributes to a shared cultural heritage. The Cultural Routes put into practice the fundamental principles of the Council of Europe: human rights, cultural democracy, cultural diversity and identity, dialogue, mutual exchange and enrichment across boundaries and centuries. In December 2010, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Resolution CM/Res (2010)53 establishing an Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) to enable closer co-operation between states particularly interested in the development of Cultural Routes. The European Mozart Routes have been a Council of Europe Cultural Route since 2004, the only one dedicated to a musician. Cultural Route of the Council of Europe: https://www.coe.int/en/web/cultural-routes/home

Province of Salzburg

The European Mozart Ways were founded on the initiative of the Province of Salzburg in the run-up to the great Mozart Jubilee in 2006. From the very beginning, the province of Salzburg has supported the initiative with special financial support from the areas of tourism, business and culture. The representation of the province of Salzburg in Brussels has also promoted the project at European level.

PDM Tourism Group

With over 20 years of experience, the PDM Tourism Group is the leading company for the organization of musical journeys. Specialized in international travel PDM particularly focuses on exchange programs for choirs and orchestras of all ages, all over Europe. The PDM Tourism Group will exceed all expectations, whether you wish to visit historic churches and buildings, famous concert halls, picturesque parks or small chapels.

Contact: PDM Touristik GmbH, Davide Jamunno, Zehenthofgasse 29 / Top 5, 190 Vienna, Austria / Tel. +43 1 478 80 90 – 0 / Fax +43 1 478 80 90 – 20 / music@pdmtourismgroup.com / https://pdmtourism.com

evento italiano
In Mozart's footsteps through Italy

Three trips took W.A. Mozart to Italy, where he had the opportunity to learn new techniques of musical expression and to come into contact with some of the greatest musical scholars of his time. Rovereto, Verona, Milan, Venice, Parma, Bologna, Mantua, Florence, Rome and Naples are just some of the places W.A. Mozart visited. 

Travelling in Mozart's footsteps means discovering those places that were a source of inspiration for the genius, listening to his music in those places where he himself played as well as experiencing his life story.

Contact: Evento Italiano s.r.l., Via Don Emilio Angeli, 1/c, 55012 Zone - Capannori (Lucca) - Italia / Tel. +39 0583 927208 / Fax +39 0583 926303 / info@eventoitaliano.it / http://www.eventoitaliano.it/it/

In Mozart´s footsteps
"Unusual musical journeys"

Where the great composers lived

  • Expert-led journeys to the musical capitals of Europe.

  • Experience and feel where your favourite composers lived and breathed - their homes, neighbourhoods and meeting places.

  • Exclusive concerts and operas: all tours take you to the most beautiful concert halls and opera houses in Europe.

Information: http://inmozartsfootsteps.com