The European Mozart Ways (EMW) are an international network connecting cities, regions and institutions in ten European countries that Mozart visited on his travels.
Mozart left his traces in around 200 places in what is now Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, selected cities and regions as well as cultural organisations, scientific institutions and tourism associations, are represented as Members in the "European Mozart Ways" Association.
Whether from London to Naples or from Paris to Bratislava, Mozart spent almost his entire life travelling, which contributed significantly to the development of this great figure of Western culture. The objective of the Association, which was founded in 2002 on the initiative of the province of Salzburg, is to develop new approaches in the communication of knowledge about W. A. Mozart and his work. This is done, on the one hand, through tourist routes based on his historical journeys and, on the other hand, through cross-border cooperation between the members in artistic, cultural, educational and scientific fields. The association sees itself as the communication and control centre of the European Cultural Route of the same name.
The European Mozart Routes have been conceived as a European project from the very beginning: Above all, the promotion of the European idea and the demonstration of cross-border identity building in Europe are central. In addition, transnational support and funding from the European Union is to be used in the implementation of joint projects.
Since its foundation, the European Mozart Ways have been working successfully to bring common cultural heritage to as many people as possible through the personality of W.A. Mozart and to actively involve them.
Through the activities of the association, W. A. Mozart is to be understood as a "Child of Europe". In this way, the European Mozart Ways are treading a wonderfully creative and peace- and socially integrative European path into the future.