300th birthday of Anna Maria Mozart
Dezember 2020
25 December 2020 was the 300th anniversary of the birth of Anna Maria Mozart, née Pertl. St. Gilgen, the birthplace of Mozart's mother, paid tribute to the "most inconspicuous personality" of the Mozart family, but by no means the most insignificant.
Mother Mozart was the good spirit of the family, a wonderful hostess and gave her husband Leopold and son Wolfgang the strength for their extraordinary work as musicians, without whom the music world would be a great deal poorer.
The European Mozart Ways visited one of the festive events "Madame Mutter, ich esse gern Butter!" (Madame Mother, I like to eat butter!) on 19 July and, together with the managing director Max Passim and Augustin Kloiber, curator of the Mozart House, illuminated the traces of Mozart's mother in St. Gilgen and recorded them on film in a short video.